Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's funny...

...when the clearest understanding about your life and where you are in it comes from the least expected place.

As we come upon the last two weeks of Mark's time off I've come to realize how gut wrenching it will be for me to no longer have him here. I am constantly on the verge of tears. I am constantly hurting in some part of my head either from grinding, squinting or misfiring and it's been pointed out that I am most likely doing this to myself in misguided attempts to remain strong. I have TMJ with constant (oh and I DO mean CONSTANT) headaches and jaw pain. I have muscle aches in my entire body. I am constantly tired and searching for the will to get out of bed. Most recently I've been diagnosed with Labrinthitis which among other things can be caused by anxiety/depression/stress. WHAT? I don't have any of those! Riiiiight.

The fact is, although I am unbelievably happy, thrilled, thankful, humbled by the fact that Mark has done so well and is able to return to work in full health "ahead of schedule" as the doctor put it; still a part of me is inconsolably sad. I want to wail. I want to lay down and sob. But I am the strong one. I am the one who doesn't cry. I am the one who puts on a brave face, answers the millions of questions thrown at me by family, friends, co-workers. This is my job. This is my RIGHT. This is what keeps me going and helps me.

But that job is over.

And where does that leave me?

Alone in a house with three kids right back to "normalcy". Ya right.

I love having my Beloved at home. He is fun and funny and he helps me with the little things. He plays with his kids. He does laundry and dishes! He sits and talks to me about mundane crap. We play games together. He goes to the store with me. He is my confidante, my friend, my rock. He is my 24/7 ear, or hug, or smack if I need it. What will I do without him here?

And if I don't allow myself to go there...what will be the next physical issue I cause to myself?

I can't lay down and cry it out. There aren't enough tears in the world to express my grief at losing this time. I do need prayer though. This is the place I go to for that.

I feel like such a baby. I feel like I'm throwing all of God's blessings right back in his face. He answered EVERY SINGLE PRAYER we cried out to Him. And here I am basically upset that He did. So very selfish. I want it all. So very, very selfish.

I thank the Lord everyday for healing Mark. For making the battle relatively easy (comparatively speaking). I KNOW how lucky we are. I KNOW how fast it was resolved. I KNOW that we have been blessed beyond compare in our relationship, in our loved ones, in our growth of our Faith. I KNOW these things in my head and yet still I weep for what I'm about to lose. I dread spending 10-12 hour days without him, I bristle at the thought of him driving for two hours every day, I cringe at the thought of him being tired on his days off and unable or unwilling to spend the quality time with us as he has been because he simply doesn't have the energy. I even am not looking forward to not stressing about money anymore because seriously...we've made it work! (ok...that's pushing it a little.)

I don't know the answer. I don't know how to get over this nonsense and just move forward. My body is suffering. My emotions have taken their toll on my physical being and I don't know how to stop.

I pray for guidance. I ask for your prayers for my guidance as well.

Thank you to the sweet Angel who opened my eyes to this. Yes, this is where we become inseparable. This is where there is no more darkness and light in the horizon. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A day on a hill! :)

So last week Kathy invited us to go on a walk at Mt. Pisgah. We took the kids and our friends The Pelroys and had a fantastic time! Next time however, I will NOT be wearing crocs! Note to self: always wear tennies on a hike! Duh!

I'll start with some amazing nature shots. I don't think a bad picture COULD be taken at this place! So beautiful!

This has to be THE coolest tree I've ever seen. You could literally see right through it and still it grows and thrives! How can people see things like this and NOT believe in God?

Little Jack Jack all packed up and ready to go! Isn't he freaking ADORABLE? Oh I just wanna eat him up!
One of the few pics you'll see of Allie...she was not interested in letting me take pictures of her AT ALL. Stinker.
Lady killer. Am I biased or is the the most handsome boy ever? Nope...not biased.

Luke was all about me taking his picture (and of course therefore so was Grace!) He was finding the coolest places to pose and then was like "MOM, take my picture here!" Love that boy!
My beauty.
The whole clan!

Picture op!
The Pelroys! Jessica, Ryan, Martin and Wyatt (Jack Jack to his Aunt Becky)
Poison Oak! Noooo touchy!
Mark saying "That's poison oak...noooo touchy."
Luke thought this log carved out to be a bench looked like a coffin. He was the vampire sleeping in it.
And Gracie just peered sweetly from the other side LOL
Education time!

"Ooo, Martin...turn this way that's a cool shot!" I was right!
I finally got a pic of Ryan...he was distracted by the kids throwing rocks long enough for me to get it!

Right after this, Grace lost her shoe and Jessica hopped in the river to save it! Such a good auntie!
Sister friends! (ugh...time to start working out!)

Reading up on something...always the scholor.
Gracie was trying to climb this tree...not easy in crocs.

This pile smelled like Mark used to when he worked for Weyerhauser. Allie and I were in heaven!

My Beloved and me
Luke was tired and decided to take a break to meditate....
But Ryan had other ideas...get up!

Some of the trees out there are so amazing. They grow sideways! This one was at a perfect height for swinging like a monkey!

Ryan wanted to until Mama got him closer...then he changed his mind! want me to go where now?

Luke was SO done. LOL
Allie and Mark got a bit ahead. I was going slow for Ryan's sake. No, really!

Mark, Kathy, Allie and Luke decided to try to get to the top...Gracie and I decided, um, not to.
Ryan and Grace were done...
...about 15 feet from the car! LOL
A wonderful walk! We will definitely be going back!