Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gracie is FOUR!!!

I can hardly believe my baby girl is four today. She was born 4 weeks early at 5am on the dot, four years ago. She was healthy, strong and HUGE for being a month early!! 8lbs 4oz!! Think of what size she woulda been had she been full term! Woulda given her brother a run for his money I think! She was such a clingy baby, and only to mama! For the first 14 months of her life she only wanted ME! She would cry when anyone else would hold her or if I tried to lay her down or put her in her swing! Actually, the first person to REALLY get to hold her for any significant amount of time without her freaking out was MY Grandma; Gracie's Great Grandma Erbes! She's got a knack I tell ya!!

Anyway, we celebrated today and Little Miss was SO happy!! She's stoked to be four, she was excited to have all the family here with all attention focused on HER! That clingy baby has become the most social of my three...go figure!

Here she is with her crayon cake that Nana made! The idea all started with candles that she HAD to have!!

She blew them all out separately!! Smart girl! LOL

All the loot!! I told everyone she needed pants desperately...the fourth pair she pulled out she looked at me and said "Mom, MORE pants??"

Here she's showing Matt her "Karate"

Gracie with Matt and her "new best friend, Matt's girlfriend". ROFL!!! When I asked what her name is Grace shrugged and then goes..."OH Denise! She's my best friend!" Sorry Matt...looks like Gracie's taking over!

Lauren got to come to her bday party!

From left: Papa, Uncle Hugh, Aunt Gloria and Grandma

From left: Grandpa Stan, Matt, Denise (her new BFF), Auntie Robin

Allie, Grace and Lukey

The crayon cake!!!

It was a good time had by all! My baby is four. Soon she will be married and having babies of her own. OKOK, MAYBE I'm a little ahead of myself...but I SWEAR if time doesn't slow down a little I'll be there before I can blink twice!
Gonna go cry myself to sleep now....

1 comment:

Livy said...
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