Monday, March 16, 2009

HML Testing

OK...I asked the right question to the right person and got my answer!

Mark's body is resisting the platelets.  What little white blood cells he has are attacking the platelets as they go into his body because they are seen as a "foreign body".  Technically the white dudes are doing what they are supposed to...but for goodness sakes couldn't they attack the bacteria that's causing the rash and leave the platelets alone!!! SHEESH!

So they took Mark's blood this morning specifically for this HML testing which stands for Human Leukocyte Antigens.  They need to find a perfect match to Mark's so his body will stop fighting them and allow them to help.  By tomorrow we should have a "special" batch sent down from OHSU in Portland.

On another note he's feeling a little better.  The prayer Nan said today while putting a knot in his prayer blanket obviously worked!  (she prayed for his day to be better and for him to feel better).  He even requested a shower!  Those always make him feel better.  Nan is about to give him some IV benedryl to prep him for his he's about to get REALLY funny!!  They send him soaring HIGH!!! LOL

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