Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7/Morning

I was able to get the laptop back from the WoW addict!! Woot!! He keeps feeling better this may become an issue!! LOL Trust me though, I would rather be fighting over the computer than watching him stuggle to breathe. God is SO good!

So yesterday we got the results of the herpes culture. Turns out Mark does NOT have herpes in his throat and lungs. Now they thing is is Aspergillis, which is a mold fungus. I immediately got online to look that up and it's something that infects 10-25% of cancer patients. It is something that he got most likely from our house, but it's everywhere so I don't feel "unclean"! (oy!) We did get a ton of information from our nurse last night about it though and I will need to do some heavy duty deep cleaning in the house before he comes home in a month and then I'll need to keep everything completely disinfected with bleach until his is well again. Jeez...I thought I WAS a good I gotta be Donna Reed???

Any volunteers to help me???? :D

So anyway, they will treat that with an antifungal and hopefully that will be the end of it! Yay!

We are both coughing at night and the nurse last night finally remembered how dry it is in this hospital. With the air system they have pumping in 24/7, it really dries out nasal passages and lungs which is why I have picked up a cough too. Not to mention my skin is so dry I can write on my legs with my fingernail! Owie! We're hoping to get a humidifyer from respiratory today...keep your fingers crossed!

Today marks day THREE of chemo! Almost half done with the induction! Then it will be 7 long, boring days waiting for the next bone marrow test.

OH, last night Mark's Groshong Catheter stopped giving them blood. They did a chest x-ray to make sure that the tubes hadn't slipped out of the vessel and they haven't, so they are still able to use them to GIVE him meds and the chemo, but it isn't allowing them to GET blood draws from it, so they are back to poking him for now. They are going to try to flush it today as maybe there is a clot type thing at the end of it making a flap in the tube, and if that doesn't work a radiologist may be able to pull it just a bit to open it back up. This is all very technical and I'm not sure I'm explaining it very well, but we hope that they'll be able to get it fixed today. The guy that came in to draw his blood this morning blew out a vein in Mark's hand. Now he has this huge bump! His poor veins have had it with being probed and prodded!

We had a relatively good night! They even came in once last night to do vitals and decided to leave him alone since he was sleeping so peacefully! OH, and I'm already half done with a book! LOL It's the little things.

Til next blog! Love you all!

1 comment:

Vacant said...

Man, I so wish I still worked there. I'd hike my hiney down (even in the new hospital) and retrieve you that humidifier. What you're feeling there as far as dry air and all, we get that here... our hair stands on end... =) *smiles huge* that gets Abbey's goat most of all. LOL

I hope they get that groshong to work as it should for Mark's sake.

You are a great wife Becky... oh and if I were home, YOU SO KNOW I'D BE RIGHT THERE SCRUBBING AND BLEACHING TO MY LITTLE HEARTS CONTENT for all your sakes.

Love you guys very much. Me