Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14th

First things first.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT AND TRAVIS!!!!  We are so sorry we can't be there to help you celebrate in person but we are with you in spirit!  We love you both very much!

Today was fairly unblogworthy!  It almost feels like we're in a motel room with nothing to do!  Mark did take a shower and wanted to go for a walk, which we did.  Then back to the room for more platelets, went smoothly.  Then my mom came up and brought me lunch and visited a bit.  That was lovely!!  I miss her so much.  Other than that....same ol' same ol'!  I feel I'm getting boring at this point!!!  LOL

I did take some pics for y'all today...since you like them so much!  :D

Rock on Baby!!!  Up and about last night feeling good!!  It's been a nice couple days.

My bff/shouldabeensister made me a "hug quilt".  Since she can't be here in person to hug me...she MADE me a hug!!  And check out how it's the PERFECT size for my bed!!!  This is truly one of THE best gifts I've ever received in my life.  I love you, Rebecca.  Thank you so much!
My Aunt Donna has a quilt group that make "prayer quilts" from her church.  The way it works is they make a quilt, then sit in a group and tie it. With every knot that is tied, a prayer is said for the person receiving it.  They prayed for Mark's complete recovery.  This is such a special gift for Mark and it was received with as much emotion as I've seen out of him to date.  He absolutely loves it and I doubt it will be off his bed or away from his side for the next 6 months.  Thank you so much, Ladies.  What you do is an answered prayer in itself.  We are truly blessed.
When my mom brought lunch and our quilts she also brought Mark's electric razor.  He got a bit carried away in my opinion!!!  What a baby face!!  I have not seen my Beloved without facial hair in over five years!!!  It's so odd!!  Isn't he gorgeous though?  Oh how I love him!


Vacant said...

Hug Quilts are awesome. That is what we called the quilts you made for us at Christmas!!! They are wonderful, those hugs that get to go every where with you when you need them most.

Mark looks good! =) Hang in there big man... you kicken some serious bug hiney!!!

I'm glad you get to have company now, that's great!

Keepin those prayers a goin... love you guys, Livy

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad you're having better days :) That quilt IS the perfect size, isn't it? I love you too.

Ok - so I'm glad that Mark felt up to shaving. But did he have to take himself from heavy metal headbanger to puppy dog salesman?? A refreshing something in between...think diesel mechanic...would have been such a happy medium! Just kidding guys, you know I love ya.

Here's to many more good days and encouraging test results.


Nulmans said...

Oh isn't that cute.Like Rhine Ramblings said where's the happy medium.You surely could not be the supervisor of a motley crue bunch from OREMET now could you.What'z up brother just messing with you.First they make you wear a dress and slippers then you have to go and shave.Its all good though i wont tell if you don't ooop's to late somebody posted a picture already.Nothing like a little humor to make you and becky smile.Be cool and sleep well my friend and rock on brother. Lonnie N Family

Anonymous said...

hey mark ,I think ya look good clean shaven ,i aint got the guts to see my real face without hair on it ,it's been 30 years but next time i cut the beard off i may just go alllll theeeee wayyyyy!!